Natural Treatments for Menstrual Cramps


For many women, menstrual cramps are simply a part of their monthly menstrual cycle. The severity of menstrual cramps can range widely from a mild nuisance to a debilitating pain. If you experience menstrual cramps every month, the first thing you should do is make your OBGYN aware of your symptoms and particularly any changes in your symptoms. Severe pelvic pain is also a symptom of other more serious health problems. It is important for your OBGYN to rule out any underlying causes for your pain including cancer, fibroid tumors, STDs and more.

If your menstrual cramps are simply a part of your menstrual cycle, your OBGYN may recommend birth control or other types of medications to help ease your symptoms. Taking an NSAID such as Ibuprofen during the week before your period and during your period can also help to ease your cramps. What you eat and drink can also have an affect on your menstrual cramps. Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated can help to ease your menstrual cramps. Foods such as celery, lettuce, cucumbers, berries and watermelon also have lots of water and can help you stay hydrated. Getting enough calcium in your diet will also help. Eating foods such as dairy, sesame seeds, almonds and leafy green vegetables can help you to get an adequate daily supply of calcium. Cinnamon, ginger and papaya are other foods that may help to ease menstrual cramps. There are also a variety of foods that you should avoid during your menstrual cycle as they may worsen symptoms such as cramps and bloating. These include alcohol, fatty foods and carbonated beverages.

If you are experiencing menstrual cramping during your monthly cycle or if you have chronic pelvic pain, schedule an appointment with your OBGYN today. After ruling out more serious conditions, your OBGYN can recommend the most appropriate treatment to ease your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.