Back Pain and Pregnancy


Marietta OB-GYNAt Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A. we understand that women experience very specific discomforts in their changing bodies throughout pregnancy. One of the most common complaints during pregnancy is the back pain that is associated with the every growing abdomen. It is obviously necessary for women to gain weight and for their abdomens to expand as their pregnancy develops, so finding ways to manage and prevent back pain is helpful.

The following are at-home tips that you can use to help beat back pain:

Practice good posture
As your “baby bump” grows, it shifts your center of gravity by pulling it forward and causing you to arch your back. Trying to compensate for this extra weight by arching your back puts a great deal of strain on the lower portion of your back. It is important for women to practice good posture by standing straight and with a wide stance in order to protect their backs. If standing for a long time is necessary, it is helpful to have a low object to prop one foot on, and then shift weight to the other foot every so often.
Wear a maternity belt
A maternity belt is designed to lift the lower abdomen so that it is not pulling so much weight forward and stressing the back. Maternity belts are sold at maternity stores and online, and they are a relatively inexpensive investment that can help you throughout pregnancy – and any future pregnancies.
Sleep with a pillow between your knees
Sleeping on your side is important during pregnancy, and sleeping with a pillow between your knees can alleviate extra pressure on your back. A pillow between the knees helps prevent extra strain on the lower back, which is caused by a heavy abdomen pulling the torso.
Exercise regularly
Exercise helps to keep the body toned and in shape. While you are not encouraged to train for any sort of competition while pregnancy, exercise helps keep the muscles and ligaments in your lower back strong. With strong back muscles you can actually prevent a great deal of back pain. Walking and swimming are the most encouraged exercise activities because of their low impact on the body. However, it is important to remember to use proper posture when walking so that you are not straining your back.

If you experience severe back pain during pregnancy and none of these at-home tips help, please contact Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A. We will help rule out any complications and help you find other methods of relief.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.