Excessive Menstrual Bleeding: Causes and Treatments


Most women of childbearing age experience bleeding every month as a part of their normal monthly menstrual cycle. However, when that bleeding is excessive or prolonged, it is termed “Menorrhagia.” With Menorrhagia, the bleeding is usually prolonged and makes it difficult to perform normal daily activities.

In some cases of heavy menstrual bleeding, the cause is unknown.  However, there are a few common causes of Menorrhagia including hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the ovaries, uterine fibroids, polyps, an IUD, pregnancy complications and cancer. In order to diagnose the source of the problem, your physician will most likely ask you some questions about your medical and family history as well as your menstrual cycle. He or she may also order any number of diagnostic tests including a blood test, a Pap test, an Endometrial biopsy and an ultrasound scan. Depending on the results of your initial tests, your doctor may also order further testing including a Sonohysterogram, Hysteroscopy or D&C.

The treatment options for Menorrhagia will depend on the cause, frequency and severity of your symptoms as well as your family and medical history. Treatment options may include Iron supplements, NSAIDS, oral contraceptives, oral Progesterone or a hormonal IUD. If these treatments fail or are not suitable, you may require surgical intervention. Surgical solutions for the treatment of Menorrhagia include D&C, operative Hysteroscopy, Endometrial Ablation, Endometrial resection or Hysterectomy.

If excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding is interfering with your life, talk to your OBGYN today. Once the cause of the problem is found, your OBGYN can recommend the best treatment or treatments to help you achieve relief from your symptoms and an improved quality of life.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.