Make Your Health Your New Year’s Resolution

Marietta GA OBGYN Practice

As 2017 begins, now is the perfect time to decide that your health will be your New Year’s resolution. Women are more prone to certain conditions and diseases simply because of how their bodies are designed. The female reproduction system alone is highly complicated and intricate, and many different aspects of your health work together to affect one another. By making the choice to take care of you in 2017, you are giving yourself and your loved ones the greatest gift.

Start by making annual checkups a priority. While there is still debate on how often a woman should have a Pap-smear and how early she should have a mammogram, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A. encourage all of our patients to come in for an annual exam once a year. If you are under the age of 40, speak with your physician regarding when is the best time to have a mammogram. Your family history and your own medical history will be the determining factors; therefore, there is no “one set age” that is appropriate for everyone.

Get control of your weight. Whether you are overweight or underweight, it is important that you get control over your weight in 2017. Being overweight can have extremely negative, even deadly, effects on your health. Being underweight can prevent you from having a regular menstrual cycle and from becoming pregnant. Our physicians can work with you to determine your ideal weight and helping you come up with a plan of how to achieve it.

Take care of yourself through a healthy diet and exercise. We have all over-indulged throughout the holiday season, and it is now time to recommit to a healthy lifestyle. By making healthy food and beverage choices and moving your body on a daily basis, you can promote optimal health in your life. Simple choices such as drinking water instead of soft drinks, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking through your neighborhood or on the treadmill, joining a gym, and eating fewer desserts can all have positive impacts on your heath.

At Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A., we truly care about our patients. We want what is best for you in 2017. Please contact us on January 3, 2017 to schedule an appointment for your annual exam. We are here to provide compassionate and comprehensive care.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.