Vaginal Birth vs. C-Section

Pregnant Woman in a Field Marietta GA

The female body is a fascinating creation of life. Not only does the female body grow and change, but it also has the ability to create and sustain the life of another human being. From the moment of conception, a pregnant woman’s body will change and grow in many fascinating ways until time for her to bring her newborn child into the world. Once it is time for delivery, whether it occurs naturally or it is induced, there are two options for a woman. Vaginal delivery and cesarean delivery are both viable choices, but this choice should not be made without your doctor’s consent.

For most women, the safest route for delivery is vaginal delivery. The female body was designed specifically for this purpose, and it is generally the recommended and preferred method of delivery. There are many benefits to both the mother and her newborn baby from a vaginal birth, and unless there are extenuating circumstances, this form of delivery is ideal.

However, there are times when vaginal delivery is not the best option. A cesarean section (C-section) delivery is performed by making incisions in the wall of the abdomen and uterus to pull the baby from the mother’s womb. This type of delivery is considered a serious surgical procedure, and it is never to be decided upon without necessary cause. Situations that may warrant a C-section include:

  • Fetal distress during labor
  • The baby is in a breech position
  • An onset of preeclampsia
  • The baby is too big to pass through the birth canal
  • The mother has a transferrable disease
  • Twins, triplets, or other multiples are in the womb
  • Issues with the umbilical cord before or during labor
  • The placenta separates from the uterus
  • The baby has a medical condition or congenital disability that would compromise birth
  • Labor slows down or stops

At Marietta OB/GYN, expectant mothers and their growing babies are in the best of care. While most pregnancies follow a normal and healthy progression, some circumstances require more specialized care. You can depend on our practice for the safest delivery of your precious little one. We will be with you throughout your pregnancy, and we will ensure that your delivery – whether vaginally or by cesarean – will be handled with the utmost care.

Posted on behalf of Dr. Carlos Alarcon, Marietta OB-GYN Affiliates, P.A.