HPV: What is it?


You have probably heard of HPV before but do you really know what it is? HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus: the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are over forty different types of HPV that can affect the genitals of males and females. They can also affect the mouth and throat. HPV is most …

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Vaginal Yeast Infections


A vaginal yeast infection or “Candidiasis” is an infection of the vagina caused by a group of yeast. It results from changes in the environment of the vagina that lead to an overgrowth of bacteria. The most common causes include Antibiotic and Steroid use. However, yeast infections can also be caused by other factors such …

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Lack of Libido


For many married women, lack of libido is a reality. Low libido can be caused by many different reasons including a hormone imbalance, stress, fatigue, menopause, medication and lack of proper nutrition. The truth is, your overall health has a dramatic affect on your sex drive. If you are not eating properly and getting enough …

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Cancer Rates Expected to Rise Worldwide


The seven most common types cancer worldwide are lung cancer, female breast cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, liver cancer and cervical cancer. According to a study published in the journal Lancet Oncology, the number of people with cancer is likely to increase by more than 75% across the world by the year 2030. As …

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The Transition from Adolescence to Womanhood


If you are the parent of a daughter, you many be wondering when it is time for her first visit to a Gynecologist. According to the guidelines recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the first visit to a Gynecologist should take place sometime between the ages of thirteen and fifteen. Ideally, this visit …

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Long-Acting Contraceptives


A new study, to be published in the New England Journal of Medicine, confirms that long-acting forms of contraception such as intrauterine devices and implants are more effective than birth control pills and patches in preventing pregnancies. The study involved 7,500 women in The Contraceptive Choice Project: a project to promote long-acting birth control to …

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse Symptoms and Treatments


Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a condition where the muscles and ligaments supporting a woman’s pelvic organs weaken causing the pelvic organs slip out of place (prolapse). There are different types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse. One of the most common types is vaginal prolapse. This condition usually develops after Menopause, childbirth or a hysterectomy. A diagnosis …

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HPV Vaccines and the Recurrence of HPV-Related Disease


HPV (Human Papillamovirus) is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States affecting approximately 20 million people according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. There are over forty types of HPV affecting the genital areas of both males and females. HPV can lead to genital warts as well as many types …

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Cycling and Women’s Sexual Health


Spending time on a bicycle seat has been linked to erectile dysfunction in men. A new study conducted by researchers at Yale shows that it may also be a hazard to women’s sexual health. Bike seats are designed in such a way that a person’s body weight typically rests on the nose of the seat. This …

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